'You and the tree in your backyard come from a common ancestor. A billion and a half years ago, the two of you parted ways. But even now, after an immense journey in separate directions, the tree and you still share a quarter of your genes...'
Richard Powers, The Overstory
Today was another magnificent day in nature. There were many people exploring the local bush walking tracks with their delighted children. The joy of the children out in nature is a testament to the healing effects this experience can have.
As you step out into nature, a feeling of calm washes over you. It is a re-connection with your true self. We exist in a world largely of disconnect to nature. We have built around us walls of an artificially created existence. Today I felt strongly as though I had broken through those barriers in the quiet moments within the trees, rocks, water and scent of beautiful petrichor.
We are well aware as parents that if we are swimming in emotional stress our children are drowning in it. These moments of connection to nature is a connection to where we come from and what we are in essence. Natures ability to bring peace to those who immerse in it is essential to creating a stress free mind so that we can be the parents that we need to be for the next generation.
The rings on a tree trunk resemble the finger print of a human, the trees branches resemble the life giving airways in our lungs. Our connection to all life around us is not only physically visible but is palpable within the soul.
