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Writer: Dr Karishma StrettonDr Karishma Stretton

Updated: Jun 29, 2021

It has been suggested by Eckhart Tolle, a highly influential spiritual teacher of our time, that the most important subject for our children to learn is awareness. When I heard this statement it captured my attention.

This subject is so vast and so important, I almost feel writing a piece on this topic is to do it injustice. So I begin with emphasising that herein are my preliminary thoughts and impressions on this subject, and I hope that over time these thoughts can be expanded. I look forward to adding to this passage over time as new information passes my way. 

What is awareness?

Self-awareness, in a spiritual sense, is an ability to be conscious of ones thoughts and feelings.  A human being is basically the combination of their perceptions, thoughts and emotions, and it is those subtle differences in these elements that make us so very different from one another. Self-awareness or self-knowing is examining yourself from the background of your past, but in the present moment. It is an awareness of what is actually taking place, rather than what you think you are or what you should be.

What we think we are or should be: 

The self-image that forms during our childhood, is superimposed and layered over our essence - who we truly are. The term 'ego' can be used to describe this constructed image we have of ourselves. Awareness is therefore an ability to identify the egoic image we have of ourselves and transcend this in order to become more in alignment with our essence or true identity.

Self -awareness could also be described as being consciously aware of how your ego is controlling your thoughts, feelings or actions at that time. J. Krishnamurti so eloquently described this process in an extract from a talk in 1976, where he stated that observation can only take place in the now and should take place without condemnation or judgment – we are to let the perception, thought or emotion flower, then disappear. And in doing that one becomes a light to oneself.

This process of awareness can enable children to identify with their essence rather than limited form identity.  An ability to do this has been described by E. Tolle as being true success. If we as parents, carers and teachers can precipitate the acknowledgement of this transcendent dimension of consciousness in children, this would undoubtedly result in a quickening of evolution of consciousness on the planet, and an alignment with universal consciousness.

What can we practise with our children to develop their awareness?

It essentially would involve helping children gain an awareness of their emotions as they arise. A simple practice would be to observe these emotions like a blossoming flower, and watch it pass.

One could only imagine the positive implications in a child’s life by learning this process. And these positive changes would not be limited to the child alone but resonates to those around.

Awareness can transform our parenting. 

What a gift to a child to avert the need to rediscover their lost self as an adult. What a gift to a child if awareness were to be integrated into every aspect of their education. As E. Tolle said, the simple fact is that if children have the ability to remain aware, everything will be easier in their lives – and on the contrary if they lose awareness, they will inevitably go through suffering and eventually find awareness again through that suffering. In the words of Frederick Douglass, ‘It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.’


Eckhart Tolle: 

J. Krishnamurti:


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