There are some high vibrational emotions we can meditate and focus on that can uplift our energy during conception and pregnancy:
“The teachings on love given by the Buddha are clear, scientific, and applicable… Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the very nature of an enlightened person. They are the four aspects of true love within ourselves and within everyone and everything.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Love is one of the highest vibrational emotions. It is also a term that has been adulterated and misused in common vernacular. In that way it has lost its true meaning. When I first attempted to define what love is I was lost for words. I therefore asked my 9-year-old daughter, Tara, to give me her definition of love. She unhesitatingly said ‘love is stronger than anything else and something that brings us together.’ Maya, my 6 year-old-daughter, described love as ‘more than anything.’ I am often astounded by the clarity of children when defining concepts that manage to get so confused throughout adult life! They clearly felt that it was the most important emotion and is strongly binding.
Love is being able to see the divinity in the other person, and arises out of a realisation that we are all one. Love springs from presence, and no thought. Once we experience this interconnectedness, love naturally flows and is expressed though emotions such as empathy and compassion. Love is realising that you and the other are one and the same. We must begin with ourselves, and allow love to reside in our body.
Matt Kahn in his book Whatever Arises Love That has composed a beautiful healing mantra for making decisions from the heart. This could be a wonderful accompaniment to your mirror work. I have included below the first paragraph of this healing mantra as I felt the words were very powerful:
‘I hereby surrender the fate of all my choices
to the highest vibration of love. I allow love in
its purest, most powerful form to fully inhabit
this body, to speak every word, to choose every option,
to orchestrate all behaviors, to maneuver
through each encounter by recognizing each
moment as a chance to speak to others the very
words I’ve always wanted to hear.’
“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gratitude is the process of thankful appreciation and acknowledgement of the good in your life. This includes both the tangible and the intangible. You can express gratitude for those things around you, or towards your heart or higher self. The emotion of gratitude is of a very high frequency and has the ability to expand the light of your heart and of the world around you. An appreciation of the good that exists in your life, at this very moment, has the effect of attracting and creating abundance.
Science has studied the emotion of gratitude recently, and it has been shown time and time again that people who are habitually more grateful are happier, less depressed, and have a greater sense of purpose.
There are various ways to cultivate gratitude in your life; here are a few suggestions to begin the development and expansion of this high frequency emotion:
Feel/think/express gratitude for the simple things in your life such as, a healthy body, sound mind, food in the fridge, clean running water, a roof over your head, a loving family, people who have helped you, Mother Nature, the Universe, the Divine…the list is endless
Write notes of thanks to a friend or relative
Keep a gratitude journal in which you can write daily with the things that you are grateful for
If you like to pray, it is a way to express gratitude
Meditation is an effective way you can focus on the things that you are grateful for
Give thanks to your higher self by focusing on your heart and expressing gratefulness that you can be a beacon of light in the expansion of gratitude
Saying grace before meals is a way to express gratitude daily with your family. It can be done verbally or in reflective silence
‘Love only that which happens to you and is spun as the thread of your destiny; for what could be better suited to you?’
Marcus Aurelius
The concept of acceptance, or surrendering to ‘what is’ liberates you from living in a state of unhappiness. By practicing acceptance we move away from our mental construct of judging what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. In doing so we exist in a place of equanimity and peace. Acceptance arises from a belief that life is flowing as it should, and that our experiences are ultimately for the best outcome, no matter how difficult it may seem at the time. Acceptance needs to be distinguished from inaction. It is still necessary to make decisions, from the heart, and in line with what you believe to be for the greater good for yourself and those around you.
'The sandal-tree perfumes, when riven,
The axe that laid it low;
Let man who hopes to be forgiven,
Forgive and bless his foe.'
Forgiveness is a grace that releases us from the suffering that harbouring anger creates. Forgiveness has two aspects, forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others. In this way, it allows you to be released from the emotions of guilt and blame. Forgiveness does not mean that you are allowing the other person to escape from their wrongdoing. Rather, you are releasing yourself from the toxic emotion of blame. In that way it is a healing, uplifting and graceful shift when you practice forgiveness.
Raising your vibrational frequency
Through the process of focusing on the emotions of higher vibration we can uplift the energetic frequencies we emit. Love, empathy, gratitude, forgiveness, abundance, compassion, joy, knowledge empowerment are all emotions that will uplift. As the child in utero and the mother are energetically intertwined, making a conscious effort to experience these emotions will in turn uplift the vibration of the child. Of course in life we have a range of things to deal with that will challenge us to remain in these higher frequencies. All we must do is attempt, within our capabilities, to raise our emotional frequency.
While we reside in the space of higher vibrational frequencies our emotional bodies feel light, and the emotions of peace, joy and love are predominant. There is also a sense of clarity and personal power. You will be a shining beacon, lighting up the potential for the future that grows inside of you. It is not just the responsibility of the mother to attempt to remain conscious of her emotional state, but also the responsibility of those around to support her. Together we are energetically influencing the outcomes of the child.
