A Mother’s Day Reflection
Over the past few years we have witnessed a magnification of the challenges of motherhood. As mothers we faced a plurality of decisions that needed to be made, all coupled with our innate desire to keep our families safe. The overwhelm was palpable as we saw families, communities and friends fragment into factions with seemingly irreconcilable worldviews. The challenges of motherhood quickly became coupled with so many difficult choices for our families.
Despite the divisive nature of what we have all experienced, there is one commonality - the desire to fight for what you believe is right for your children and your family. And it is this powerful force that joins all mothers of this world.
With every day that I spend as a mother, I am increasingly awestruck at the intensity of the experience. Each day brings with it emotions, which can span the entirety of what we are capable of feeling. Being a mother expands the spectrum of human emotional experience, as we have become the warriors for those whom we care about more than ourselves.
We may face a multitude of challenges, many of which seem unpredictable and random, and as mothers, we are thrust into the forefront of dealing with each challenge, no matter how difficult the nature of it. Motherhood is a deeply spiritual journey, where our own innate desire to do the right thing by our children becomes intertwined with deep self-reflection, and wish for self-improvement.
Happy Mother’s Day! My deepest respect for the mothers out there, for all that you do.
